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Following the Manhaj of Sayyid Qutb, Adnan Ar'oor and the Callers to Tawhid al-Hakimiyyah as a Route To Takfir
We stated in earlier parts to this series that Laskhar-e-Taiba is a Takfiri, Khariji sect that was founded upon the ideas of al-Ikhwan al-Muslimeen and the ideas of Sayyid Qutb, Mohammad Qutb, Usamah Bin Laden and others who are from the generality of the 20th century Kharijites. Below we provide some evidence from their publications to show that these are indeed the people whom they guide themselves by and not the firmly-rooted people of knowledge who are manifestly upon the Sunnah.
In the above two pages (from their magazine, al-Ribaat) we see articles by Sayyid Qutb and Adnaan Ar'oor. Sayyid Qutb's affair is well known (see SayyidQutb.Com) - an enemy of the Uncle of the Believers, Mu'awiyah (radiallaahu anhu) and the choicest of Companions such as al-Amr bin al-Aas, a misguided strayer who unleashed the malice inherent in the ideologies of athiest secular Jews ("social justice", "the wealth belongs to all") upon the choicest of Companions, and one who did not leave any major bid'ah except that he spoke of it, from the innovations of the Jahmiyyah, Hulooliyyah, Jabariyyah, Mu'tazilah, Ash'ariyyah, Rafidah and others. As for Adnaan Ar'oor, he is a fanatical blazing Qutbi, a caller to the manhaj of al-Ikhwan al-Muslimeen, and exaggeration in Tawhid al-Haakimiyyah upon the way of Sayyid Qutb the father of all 20th century Takfiri Khariji movements. He most recently disgraced himself by openly calling to wahdat al-adyaan. This is the end result of those who follow their desires and oppose the Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam), they are afflicted with a fitnah (24:63). Lashkar-e-Taiba guides itself by these types of people and their ideas. Because it is interested in rule and rulership and wrestling power from the authorities and mobilizing the masses to this end (even if it means winning material support from the Rafidah, Barelwiyyah and Deobandiyyah). Thus, a particular type of ideological nurturing is required in order to mobilize the masses against the authorities and of course, this is where the ideologies of Sayyid Qutb and those upon his way are of benefit. All of those who lust for power rely upon the works of this Baatinee Raafidee Khabeeth, Sayyid Qutb. This is why the Raafidah of Iraan translated his works in the 1970s in order to mobilize the revolution there.
In the above two pages of the book of Haafidh Sa'eed (the leader of Lashkar-e-Taiba) we see him following the way of Qutb, Mawdudi, Adnan Ar'oor, Abdar-Rahman Abd al-Khaliq and other wandering strayers in making al-Haakimiyyah the most special meaning of "Laa ilaaha illallaaha" and making it appear as there is no shirk except shirk in Haakimiyyah and what is similar to the way of the 20th century Leninist Takfiris in ideologically justifying the practical manifestos of secular atheist Jews (revolution in the name of social justice) as the only means of bringing justice to the servant and the land. We read (bottom of p.114), "The Qur'an has made clear that Allaah is only one deity, to Him belongs worship. To give the right of Haakimiyyah to other than Allaah means taking him as a lord (rabb) and deity (ilah). Today, in Muslim countries, the choices have been given to the parliaments..." And this is elaborated upon over the next page. This is following the ways of the Qutbiyyah, Takfiriyyah in focusing upon rulers and governments and presenting Shirk as it if is only in the issues of judgement as it relates to the rights of men. As for the greatest shirk, the worship of graves and idols which the land is rampant with, then these people are not really interested in that except with a form of lip-service and except with an academic interest only (not one that is practical and comprehensive). Because otherwise the wealth and support they receive from the Barelwis, Rafidah and Deobandis (for their so-claimed version of Jihad) will not be so forthcoming. Tawhid al-Haakimiyyah
Mass Takfir When it is the case that Lashkar-e-Taiba's tarbiyyah (nurturing) is upon the ideas of the 20th century Kharijite figureheads like Sayyid Qutb and his followers, it should come as no surprise that they start expressing statements of mass Takfir, just as it happened with the Qutbiyyah of Saudi Arabia (see here, and here). In Masjid al-Qaadisiyyah in Lahore, on 14th August 2004, Qari' Muhammad Yaseen Baluchi (figurehead of Lashkar-e-Taiba) gave a talk (along with Ameer Hamzah), and in his introduction he said (see the book al-Burhaan, p.250):
My brothers in this region, all Muslims be in preservation, O Pakistanis, Pakistan was founded upon a pure earth, however the affair is strange... the houses have no Islam in them, the markets have no Islam in them, there is no Islam on the face, the hand is not Muslim, the foot is not Muslim, the head is not Muslim, the courts are not Islamic, the general places are not Islamic, the police guards are not Muslim, and every person's mind has become non-Islamic, yet this (land) its name is Pakistan, Allaahu Akbar! And Ameer Hamzah said in the same cassette recording (see the book al-Burhaan, p.251):
Is there an oppression greater than that of the Muslim governments, fifty-five Muslim states in which it is imagined that there is freedom therein and that they are Islamic governments and that the rulers names are Islamic names, and their fathers are Muslims. However in the fifty-five states in which it is imagined that there is freedom, yet you do not see therein an Islamic government, you do not see the preponderance of Islam, you see kufr and its preponderance... And there are similar types of statements from their other leaders which tend towards the same type of implied mass Takfir of Muslim societies that was explicitly stated by Sayyid Qutb and then repeated by the Qutbiyyah of Saudi Arabia like Salman al-Awdah and others. And when these people speak of "kufr" they mean that which relates to al-Haakimiyyah, and not the kufr of grave-worship and setting up partners with Allaah that is rampant in the societies of Pakistan. There are no better words to finish off with than what was said here in this article, addressing the Qutbiyyah:
Admonition: As for their claim of calling to "Haakimiyyah" then let the ignoramuses know that the Sharee'ah was only removed and eroded and replaced with Secular Laws in those lands in which the people rejected the favour of Allaah by falling into worship of others besides Allaah, and thus, to take Egypt as an example, there are the graves of Dusuqi, Badawai, Sinjar, Zaynab and others, and Tawhid is related to amn (security) and Shirk is related to the opposite of that, so when they wronged themselves with Shirk, then that amn was removed, and from the removal of amn is the removal of those laws and rules in which there is justice, protection of life, property, honour and and maintenance of order, dignity and rights in the society. And you can say the same about India and other Muslim lands in which Shirk became prominent, and in which the Colonialists and Imperialists came and did what they did. And then you have the land of Tawhid which to this day walillaahil-hamd is established upon Tawhid and the Sunnah and in which the Sharee'ah law courts are present and established and in which, to this day, there is not found, the grave-worship and shirk found in other lands, and which is the reason why thus far, they enjoy relative ease and comfort, so long as they remain thankful for the favor of Allaah - without denying that there are indeed shortcomings. And certainly the Sufiyyah and Rafidah and other factions of innovators are present and working in their da'wah and it is the likes of these people and the Innovators in general that call to the rejection of the favors of Allaah (thank you Salman And Lashkar-e-Taiba is on the same path as those Ikhwanis of Egypt, essentially sidelining the greatest Shirk and presenting Tawhid al-Haakimiyyah as the greatest affair of the religion, and around which the bulk of their activity is actually based. This is the general manhaj and direction of the group.
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