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Before we continue it is important to make the following disclaimer: There often arise unique situations in which we are forced to address specific individuals from the people of falsehood in a specific way so that they are appropriately and justly put into their proper place. This may involve the use of certain language. This is by no means a general rule and it should not be taken as a license to take this as a general approach with those who are upon falsehood, be they the ignorant common-folk or even those at a higher level than them. In the case of the individual being discussed in this article (and some of his associates to be discussed in later parts) - after reflection from numerous angles and consultation with others - it has been decided to follow the example of some of the Scholars of the past (and present) who do not feel shy in using language that might seem offensive (dogs, donkeys, idiots, apes etc.), yet befitting for the one being spoken of in light of the circumstances. Just a quick example, Shaykh al-Islaam Muhammad bin Abd al-Wahhaab said (Durar as-Sunniyah 1/77-78):
So if that is the case concerning the one who held belief in Eesaa Ibn Maryam, and yet he is a prophet amongst the Prophets, and he invoked him and sought rescue from him, that he disbelieves, how about those who believe in the Shaytaans, such as that dog, Abu Hudaydah, and Uthmaan who is in al-Waadee, and other dogs in al-Kharaj, and those besides them in all the other lands And in the poetry of Abu Tahir al-Silafi (d. 576H), he describes many of the heads of innovation with labels such as "dogs", "asses", "apes" who "deserve humiliation." Since we will be dealing with new heights and levels of stupidity in this article it is important to ensure our terminology is up to the job of addressing such levels (of stupidity) for the sake of accuracy. For this reason, it is important we get definitions out of the way as well so that you can enjoy a hassle-free reading experience. Once more, we emphasize, that this type of approach is taken rarely, only due to circumstances requiring that, and is not to be generalized. Most people are not evil cretins like Abu Waleed, even if they are misguided, so they are to be given da'wah in ways which are best. Also, it is important that these people are spoken about because journalists, enemies to Ahl al-Sunnah, and academic writers (in journals) will consider and perceive these people as representing Salafis and Salafiyyah. As much as we hate wasting time with these people, it is necessary for certain objectives whose importance and significance go way beyond the retards being discussed. Definitions: Cretin The meaning of the word retard has already preceded. The word cretin, in one of its linguistic dictionary meanings (لغةً) is:
However, there are times when standard dictionary meanings do not suffice and we need to go to a conventional meaning (اصطلاحاً) to do justice to the situation. For this reason we are going to present a revised urban usage of the word:
Cretin: (cre-tin) a person that is: brainless, stupid, child-like, and full of pointless information that makes no sense and appeals only to other cretins. They can be found in abundance in online social media platforms, where they race to post as many mind-numbing messages, tweets or videos as possible, and in which coherence and sense are rarely found. Now that we have the disclaimer out of the way and our terms defined appropriately we can now move into the body of the article. Takfiri Cretin Feigning Salafiyyah Rewrites the Doctrine of al-Qadar in 30 Seconds Flat The reader should note that the Takfiri cretin below is one who creates pictures of the Salafi scholars and the rulers (particularly of Saudi) wearing their shimaaghs but replacing their faces with those of dogs or monkeys. He makes Takfir of the Salafi scholars and and he makes Takfir of the rulers without exception.
From what follows, you will learn that this individual is an ignoramus pretender, that he is an embarassment and shame upon the Kharijites of old (they are much better than that), and that he is also a person with self-amazement whom Shaytan has misguided. He is a fraud on top of that, out to deceive people by telling them lies about the deen of Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic by pretending he has knowledge.
Abu Waleed (of the so-called "Salafi Media UK" or "SMUK") says (mp3):
Here is a transcript of his words, it is one minute long and special attention should be given to the last 30 seconds (from {5} onwards). We have numbered the passage for easy reference later in the article:
{1} When the reality is that in the Divine Tablet has already been recorded everything that's going to happen until Yawm ul-Qiyaamah. {2} If we understand the topic of al-qadar wal-qadaa we understand that the knowledge of Allaah Azzawajall precedes everyone else's knowledge and Allaah Azzawajall has knowledge of everything that is going to happen. {3} He ordered the pen to write. And then the pen asked Allaah Azzawajall, "What shall I write?" {4} He mentioned a number of things, mentioned about his birth, about his rizq, about his life, about his death. All of this has been recorded. {5} However Allaah Azzawajall has given us the free will and the iraadah to do the actions. {6} Where people deviated in the past was, they said "Our actions have been created, so what can I do?" So they attribute sin to Allaah, so if they done the sin, they committed the sin, they say Allaah Azzawajall is the one who, He said I was going to do this. He committed the sin for me. Aoodhubillah. {7} The extreme Qaadiriyyah who Rasoolullaah (sallallaahu alayhi wa aalihi wasallam) he said, "They are the Majoos of my Ummah" they are like the fire-worshippers of my ummah, foretold this in fact, inside the hadeeth. Before we continue, let us quote what we said at the end of the previous article in this series (see here) about these people: "They are walking, talking refutations of themselves. The only thing we have done here is to draw people's attention to this fact." No doubt, when a person feigns Salafiyyah and fraudulently wears its gown, it is inevitable that sooner or later, he will be standing in public with his gown removed, just like the Naked Emperor, and as soon as notification is made and fingers are pointed to his nakedness, all people will start laughing and mocking his stupidity. Here we have a perfect example. So sit back and let us go through this in slow-motion: ONE: The Takfiri cretin starts his rant with a few sentences that are sound. Up to and including passage {2} everything is fine and Abu Waleed is on a roll. You see cretins are not 100% stupid. They are misled by the little knowledge they have picked up. Deluded by this little knowledge, they speak and act whilst oblivious to the cretinous speech (and action) arising from them due to the false self-reassurance which that little knowledge has given them. Abu Waleed thinks he has understood the topic of al-Qadar. Worse still, it may be the case that he may just have been deliberately lying, making things up as he goes along in order to impress his audience. TWO: The sentence in {3} is also sound. But things started sliding downhill from here... and this is where Abu Waleed's invisible garments of knowledge start to expose the cretin that lies beneath them. In passage {4} he states, "...He mentioned a number of things, mentioned about his birth, about his rizq, about his life, about his death..." and what he has done here is to mix up two separate hadeeths. He has merged the hadeeth of the Pen and the writing of the decrees prior to creation with the hadeeth of the Angel that is commanded to write four things when the fetus is in the womb. In the hadeeth of the Pen, the Pen is commanded by Allaah to write "Whatever is to take place until the Day of Judgement." Al-Albani authenticates the hadeeth in al-Silsilah al-Saheehah (no. 133, 1/257) with the wording (إن أول شيء خلقه الله تعالى القلم وأمره أن يكتب كل شيء يكون). However, this is not really the worst of Abu Waleed's cretinous action. That comes shortly. THREE: Sentence {5} is also a sound statement, that Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, has given us a free will to choose our actions, and proof of this is abundant in the Quran, by way of example (إِنَّ هَذِهِ تَذْكِرَةٌ فَمَن شَاء اتَّخَذَ إِلَى رَبِّهِ سَبِيلًا), "Verily! This is an admonition, so whosoever wills, let him take a Path to his Lord" (76:29). This will however is under the will of Allaah, the Exalted. FOUR: It is in the next 30 seconds that Abu Waleed rewrites the understanding of al-Qadar for us. Let us cite parts {6} to {7}:
{6} Where people deviated in the past was, they said "Our actions have been created, so what can I do?" So they attribute sin to Allaah, so if they done the sin, they committed the sin, they say Allaah Azzawajall is the one who, He said I was going to do this. He committed the sin for me. Aoodhubillah. {7} The extreme Qaadiriyyah who Rasoolullaah (sallallaahu alayhi wa aalihi wasallam) he said, "They are the Majoos of my Ummah" they are like the fire-worshippers of my ummah, foretold this in fact, inside the hadeeth. Allaahu Akbar! What a cretin (أحمق, غبي)! The likes of this one makes Takfir of scholars and rulers and whole governments and passes judgements of kufr upon societies, nations and lands?! One who cannot distinguish between the Qaadiriyyah which is a Sufi tariqah and the Qadariyyah who are the deniers of al-Qadar?! And one who ascribes to the Qadariyyah the very opposite of their doctrine!! In case you may not have picked up on all the cretinous elements found in the above passage, let us elaborate in some detail. FIVE: First of all, let us lay the groundwork by explaining the different groups of the Qadariyyah as explained the Salaf and the Scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah, past and present. Summarizing the matter, the Qadariyyah are of three types:
One can refer to al-Tadmuriyyah of Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah and also his al-Qaseedah al-Taa'iyyah with the numerous explanations that can be found for it. In addition to the above three groups, we should add here the Jabariyyah, who took the way of al-Jahm bin Safwan, but they are exaggerationists in al-Qadar:
Now that the groundwork has been laid down, we are in a better position to see all the cretinous elements in the Takfiri retard's 30-second rant more clearly, so let's do that next: SIX: Comments on the 30-second revision of the doctrine of al-Qadar by Abu Waleed (of the so-called "Salafi Media UK" or "SMUK"), the salafi-pretending fraudster:
Cretin (غبي): Where people deviated in the past was, they said "Our actions have been created, so what can I do?" Comment: None of the four groups above deny that the actions of the servants have been created, except the Qadariyyah Majoosiyyah All the rest affirm al-qadaa wal-qadar and that Allaah is the creator of the actions. However, this is the very group (al-Majoosiyyah) to which this retard is attempting to ascribe this saying when their saying is the very opposite of this! Cretin (غبي): So they attribute sin to Allaah, so if they done the sin, they committed the sin, they say Allaah Azzawajall is the one who, He said I was going to do this. He committed the sin for me. Comment: Cloudy thinking here. If we are generous, the consideration in this passage - if we treat it in total isolation from everything else - could be referring to the Qadariyyah Mushrikiyyah (argue by qadar to justify disobedience) or the Jabariyyah (exaggerationists, deny choice and qudrah for man). However, this generosity on our behalf is not allowed because the cretin has made explicit mention of the Qadariyyah Majoosiyyah to whom he ascribes this saying. He thinks this is the saying of the Qadariyyah! Cretin (غبي): The extreme Qaadiriyyah who Rasoolullaah (sallallaahu alayhi wa aalihi wasallam) he said, "They are the Majoos of my Ummah" they are like the fire-worshippers of my ummah, foretold this in fact, inside the hadeeth. Comment: The Qaadiriyyah are a Sufi order (tariqah), they are different to the Qadariyyah. If we ignore this blunder (not unexpected from salafi-pretending fraudsters like Abu Waleed), then he is ascribing the previous saying (that Allaah creates actions and decreed them upon the servants) to the Qadariyyah Majoosiyyah, the Mu'tazilah. Their saying is that man creates his own actions. But the Takfiri Cretin says (in the view of the Qaadiriyyah) Allaah creates actions of the servants. This is compound ignorance (al-jahl al-murakkab) save that it is too honourable, rather it is compound retardation. (al-ghabaawah al-murakkabah). SEVEN: It's only in the world of Abu Waleed, the Takfiri cretin, that black equals white and white equals black and Allaah compelling actions on the servants (Jabariyyah) equals man creating his own actions (Qadariyyah Majoosiyyah) and man creating his own actions (Qadariyyah Majoosiiyyah) equals Allaah compelling actions upon him (Jabariyyah). Dear reader, you may or may not be on our side, but just come and have a moment of serious reflection with us: Is the likes of this retard (and dozens like him) to be believed in great and serious matters such as Takfir of rulers, scholars, governments, societies and the likes?! As much as you may be an opposer to us and our way, I don't seriously think you can answer yes to this one, otherwise you are reminded of the (إصطلاحي) conventional, urban meaning of cretin that has preceded:
Cretin: (cre-tin) a person that is: brainless, stupid, child-like, and full of pointless information that makes no sense and appeals only to other cretins. We plea with you not to put yourself under this definition by finding Abu Waleed's speech to be appealing! On this note we conclude this installment in the series along with a reiteration of our previous remark: "They are walking, talking refutations of themselves. The only thing we have done here is to draw people's attention to this fact."
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