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Takfiris on Steroids (2): The Alleged 'Jihad' of 'The Dogs of Hellfire' - ISIS and al-Nusrah in Iraq and Syria
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Thursday, July 03 2014 - by Takfiris.Com
Key topics: ISIS Al-Nusrah Takfiris

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In a previous article, the killing of a regional al-Nusrah leader by ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria), was documented. According to the Takfiris of ISIS, the regional leader of al-Nusrah became apostate because he was taking pledges of allegiance from members of FSA (the FSA are a nationalistic opposition to the regime of Bashar Assad). In other words, they were leaving FSA to come and join al-Nusrah, and him taking pledges of allegiance from them made him an apostate according to the Takfiris of ISIS! In this article we want to document some more in-fighting between these factions none of whom are Salafi and who are referring to each other as "apostates" and "Dogs of Hellfire" a manifestation of the fact that they are ignorant, do not have scholars with them and are tasting the consequences of their extremist ideologies.

Takfiri Kharijite Madness

In this first video above, there is an execution of five captured ISIS fighters who - after a brief interrogation about whom they came to fight against (their response being that they came to fight the Nusayriyyah) - are dismissed as "newly-arisen, foolish-minded" (Kharijite revolutionaries) by the al-Nusrah fighters and summarily shot at close range in the head. You can listen to the audio here: (MP3).

In this video above, seven ISIS fighters are captured by Jabhah al-Nusrah, they are each named after the ruling is pronounced upon them for pledging allegiance to the "Kharijites of Bagdhad" (ISIS), "dogs of the people of hellfire", "those who kill the mujahideen but leave alone the idol-worshippers from the Nusayriyyah and those who aid them." They are then each shot at close range in the head. You can listen to the audio here: (MP3).

In this third video above, a fighter from Jabhah al-Nusrah is captured by ISIS and interviewed and he states that the Jahbah considers the Islamic State (of Iraq and Syria) as apostate "murtaddah." You can listen to the audio here: (MP3).


We simply repeat here the words of Wahb bin Munabbih (d. 110H) from over 13 centuries ago (as related in Tarikh Dimashq):

"I reached (the era) of early Islam and by Allaah, never did the Kharijites have a jamaa'ah except that Allaah split it apart upon the evilness of their condition. Nor did one of them proclaim his opinion except that Allaah smote his neck. Never did the Ummah unite upon a man from the Kharijites, ever. And if Allaah had allowed the opinion of the Kharijites to take root, the Earth would have been corrupted, the paths (of travel) would have been cut off, travel for Hajj to the Sanctified House of Allaah would have been cut off and then the affair of Islaam would have returned to that of Jaahiliyyah until the people would resign to seeking rescue from the mountain-tops, as they used to in Jaahiliyyah. And then there would arise more than ten or twenty men, there not being a man amongst them except that he would claim the khilaafah for himself, and with each man amongst them would be ten-thousand, all fighting each other, and testifying against each other with (the charge of) kufr (disbelief), until a believing man would become fearful for his self, his deen, his blood, his family, his wealth, not knowing where to go and nor whom to be with!"

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