Fareed Abdul-Khaliq (one of the former Murshids of Ikhwaan) said in (
الإخوان المسلمون في ميزان الحق)
Ikhwan ul-Muslimoon Fee Mizanil-Haqq, (p.115):
إن أصحاب هذا الفكر وإن تعددت جماعاتهم، يعتقدون بكفر المجتمعات الإسلامية القائمة، وجاهليتها جاهلية الكفار، قبل أن يدخلوا في الإسلام في عهد الرسول ، ورتبوا الأحكام الشرعية بالنسبة لهم على هذا الأساس، وحددوا علاقاتهم مع أفراد هذه المجتمعات طبقاً لذلك، وقد حكموا بكفر المجتمع لأنه لا يطبق شرع الله، ولا يلتزم بأوامره ونواهيه
The adherents of this ideology, even if their jamaa'aat (groups) are numerous, [all] believe in the kufr of [all] the present Islamic societies, and that their Jaahiliyyah is like the Jaahiliyyah of the kuffaar before they entered into Islaam during the era of the Messenger. And they arranged Sharee'ah rulings in relation to them (these societies) upon this foundation, and they defined their relationships with individuals from these societies in implementation of that. And they judged the society with disbelief because it did not apply the legislation of Allaah, and nor adhere to His commands and prohibitions.