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Regarding Ali al-Timimi The Qutbiyyah (see here, here, here, here and here for proof that the Scholars recognize them and label them as a faction with this name and methodology) are boasting these days that Ali al-Timimi was "spoon-feeding" aqidah to the youth in the United Kingdom in the early 90s. This was when he had not fully transitioned to the da'wah of Sayyid Qutb, and in those days he did speak a lot of truth, even if influences of the Qutbiyyah were clearly manifest in some of his speech even at that time. What destroyed Ali al-Timimi was a number of factors, the most important of them being firstly his attachments to and infatuation with Abdur-Rahmaan Abdul-Khaaliq, the Egyptian, through which he eventually got poisoned and overtaken by Qutb's exaggerated doctrines of Haakimiyyah. And secondly his long standing commitments towards the Innovators of IANA and his associations with Salaah as-Saawee and other unsavouries amongst the Qutbiyyah. Signs of this affectation could be seen in the early 90s but it wasn't till after the mid-90s that his affair became manifest, and unfortunately it deteriorated from that point onwards after he turned his back upon many of the usool he was previously "spoon-feeding" to others before the mid-90s, and took a portion of the youth towards the Ikhwani methodologies of Abdur-Rahman Abdul-Khaliq and his likes. This shows that guidance is in Allaah's hands and having plenty of knowledge and understanding of issues does not actually equate to guidance in and of itself.
Ali al-Timimi on Takfiri Leninism in 1965 Egypt (Arising From the Books and Doctrines of Sayyid Qutb al-Ash'ari)
Here is Ali al-Timimi speaking about the revolutionary and takfiri ideologies that sprung from the works of Sayyid Qutb in 1965 Egypt - click on play to listen to the audio:
And here is a transcript of the audio:
Unfortunately, when Ahl us-Sunnah continued to warn against this methodology, and warn from the books from which this methodology came, and from the great innovations found in these books, Ali al-Timimi later threw all of this speech behind his back and went and joined the ranks of the very people affected with this ideology. At time of recording of this tape the early signs of affectation were visible upon him, through his speech and in his great admiration of Abdur-Rahman Abdul-Khaaliq who was the flag-bearer of this call and whose Jam'iyyah, Ihyaa at-Turaath, was traveling the world, taking this call to all the various places where Salafis were found, tearing them apart, infusing these teachings amongst them whilst reviling and belittling the true scholars. He continues:
This innovated and deviant ideology of Jihaad is what is found in the works of Sayyid Qutb and the particular form of Jihaad that he advocated was in fact the revolutionary ideology of secular atheist Jews, such as Vladimir Lenin. Qutb took these basic notions and incorporated them into Milestones and In the Shade of the Qur'an and simply clothed them with an Islamic garb. This has been covered elsewhere in detail. See this article:
He continues:
Mmm... sounds familiar. Stated Sayyid Qutb, (az-Zilaal 2/1057):
The whole of mankind, including those who repeat from the minarets, in the eastern and western parts of the world, the words 'Laa ilaaha illallaaha', without any [consideration of] meaning or reality, then they are the most sinful of people and will be the most severely punished on the day of Judgement because they have apostatised by turning to the worship of the servants (of Allaah)... Sayyid Qutb in "Maaalim fit-Tareeq" (p.8, 17th edition, 1991):
The Ummah (of Islaam) has ceased to be in existence (ghaabat al-Ummah) and has not been perceivable for a very long time. And Mohammad Qutb stated in "Waqi'una al-Mu'asir" (p.29),
Certainly, the matter requires that the people be called afresh to Islaam. Not so because they - in this time - refuse to say with their mouths, "Laa ilaaha ilallaaha Muhammad Rasoolullaah", as the people use to refuse to say it in the very first strangeness [i.e. the call of the Prophet Muhammad]. But [more so] because they - in this time - reject the principle requirement of "Laa ilaaha illallaaha" and that is judging to the Sharee'ah of Allaah All of this is Takfir based upon an exaggerated understanding of Haakimiyyah. We don't want to digress with scores of quotes from Qutb's books in which this takfiri ideology is plainly laid out, these are just a couple of quotes as examples, but you can refer to the following articles:
The strange thing is that Ali al-Timimi, in his dramatic style, went on to accuse those who remained upon this truth - (of recognizing and refuting this baatil, false, alien secular atheist Jewish philosophy clothed in the garb of Islaam) - of "changing the concepts of Sunnah and Salafiyyah"! May Allaah guide him and all the people he misled back to the truth. Ameen. This call (of making generalized unrestricted takfir) was continued by Salman al-Awdah and Safar al-Hawali in their tapes using the very same language of Qutb, and we shall bring examples of that and the refutation of the Major Scholars against them in separate articles. He continues:
The thing is that once this vile ideology takes root, then the devils let loose with the suspicions, presumptions, assumptions in the minds of the people and slowly but surely everybody distrusts everybody else and considers him an apostate. This starts of with the government and filters right down to the average common person. This was best exemplified in Algeria in which this vile Qutbi manhaj was in operation amongst the groups of Takfir, and the groups of Takfir had none other than the likes of Abu Qatadah and the Qutbiyyah of Saudi Arabia as their inspiration and that is the subject of another article.
Marxism, Leninism, Bolshevism, that's what all those philosophies said, there's no way except for a violent revolution staged by the masses or by an elite vanguard (as in Leninist-Marxism). This is how Mawdudi tried to falsely portray the da'wah of the Prophets. All of these innovations in Islaam came from these ignoramuses who took the ideologies of secular atheists, and the predominant philosophies of their time and tried to build methodologies of reform around them, misguiding the Ummah through it and corrupting both the intellects and religion of a great number of people in the process. He continues:
In conventional wars, making use of deception and confounding the enemy is recognized by all nations and all societies for it is part of the strategy of a conventional war. As for what these Leninist Takfiris did of applying this to Muslim societies (and then later to non-Muslim societies when these ideas were taken there), and using this to kill other Muslims (or innocent, non-combatant non-Muslims), take their wealth and consider their women as spoils of war, then this is from the jahl, their vileness and repugnance and it is no wonder that the Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) spoke with such mighty words against them, declaring them "the dogs of Hellfire", and extolling those who killed such dogs and explaining that Dajjaal (the Anti-Christ) will appear amongst the remnants of these people (see here). He continues:
Meaning that those who work in the various governmental bodies are just collateral damage and there is no harm if they are killed or targeted, because they are in the way of the "apostate rulers" who are the enemy, and these people working for them in the various bodies can be treated as collateral damage. This is the same kind of reasoning that those who commit acts of terrorism today use. Thanks Qutb for your great contribution to Islaam and the Muslims. He continues:
Penetrating the jamaa'aat is actually a fundamental part of their strategy and it still is today, for they do not cease to propagandize for these teachings and for the source works of these teachings. And some of these people go further and permit working through the secular system, from the angle that the ends justify the means. This methodology here of penetrating people and other jamaa'aat in a secretive, organized, calculated manner is what is found in many of these Ikhwani, Qutbi, splinter groups and it is what is found in the likes of Hizb ut-Tahrir and al-Muhajiroon and others who are found in the West.
Hear well these words! The problem is that when Ahl us-Sunnah spent years doing this, it was Ali al-Timimi himself who led a vanguard of ignoramuses against those who warned from the books of Sayyid Qutb and the great calamities and innovations found therein. What happened to him? Well, its laxity with the Innovators. You see the Salaf were very stern and severe about mixing with the Innovators. But Ali al-Timimi did not heed that and with his long standing commitments to the Innovators he got poisoned and that's what happens when you belittle the methodologies of the Salaf, for they are methodologies that preserve and protect the capital of Islaam, and when you don't abide by them and take them seriously and think you can make your own ijtihaad, just because you have acquired some knowledge, then that is extremely dangerous. And he continues a little later, click on play to listen to the audio:
The transcript:
Like what we find on certain discussion forums where all these Takfiris and their allies and defenders let out their steam through sessions of "cyber-butch". In reality, they are just ignorant cowards, and most of what they let off is just hot air which has no substance to it at all, and it certainly provides not an iota of benefit to anyone or to the Ummah.
The thing is that's what we have been doing since the beginning of the 1990s, and we've remained upon that and now here is the million-dollar question: Who changed? Who left the true Scholars to ally with the Innovators, the Qutbiyyoon, the Harakiyyoon, the Takfiris and Revolutionary Ideologists. And who remained firm with the true Scholars. The manhaj of the true Scholars never changed. That manhaj was clearly known and is fully represented in the sum total of hundreds of statements from the Major Scholars, across a very wide range of issues of methodology, which by the year 2000 had collectively convicted the deviant Ikhwaani methodologies (clothed as Salafiyyah). So who changed? Pray two rakahs in front of your Lord with all sincerity and honesty and then stand up knowing full well that Allaah knows your inner secrets and then answer this question inside your soul!
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