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Yusuf al-Qardawi is one of the most prominent of the contemporary figureheads of al-Ikhwan al-Muslimeen and he has written many times on the movements of Takfir. We see a couple of trends amongst todays Ikhwanis. Seeing that the ideologies of Takfir found in Qutb's books are harmful to their cause, a group amongst them (like al-Qaradawi) are trying to distance the Ikhwaan from these teachings. He is opposed by others, who try to downplay the issue of Takfir and argue that the books of Sayyid Qutb have been fundamental to the Ikhwaani movement, and that they have an important role to play. We'll leave them to argue about these issues, but here is a statement of al-Qaradawi taken from an article published on 4th May 2004 called (هل يكفّر "سيد قطب" مسلمي اليوم؟) in which he outlines the ideology of Takfir in the works of Sayyid Qutb.
He writes, in relation to a passage from Qutb's commentary az-Zilal (7/87) (في ظلال القرآن طبعة عيسى الحلبي الثانية), and he is essentially summarizing the main points from what he quoted from Qutb:
مسلمو اليوم.. كمشركي الجاهلية ومن أجل ذلك أكد سيد قطب مرات ومرات العناية بدعوة الناس الذين "يسمون أنفسهم مسلمين" إلى اعتناق العقيدة قبل كل شيء، قبل أن تدعوهم إلى التشريع الإسلامي، أو النظام الإسلامي، بل الواجب الأساسي أن ندعوهم ليسلموا أولا؛ ليشهدوا أن لا إله إلا الله بمفهومها القطبي الجديد، وبهذا يخرجون من الجاهلية التي ارتكسوا فيها، ويدخلون في الإسلام. والحق أننا لم نر الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم، ولا الصحابة، ولا التابعين، ولا أحدا من السلف أو الخلف فسر كلمة التوحيد بما فسرها به سيد رحمه الله. إنما كانوا يدعون الناس من العرب والعجم إلى "لا إله إلا الله" التي يعرف الناس مدلولها بفطرتهم؛ فحين يدعى المجوسي إلى "لا إله إلا الله" يفهم أن معناها أن يترك عبادة النار، وألا يقول بإلهين اثنين: إله للخير والنور، وإله للشر والظلمة، ويتجه بصلاته ونسكه وتذللّه لله وحده. والهندوسي حينما يدعى إلى "لا إله إلا الله" يفهم منها أن يدع عبادة البقر وغيرها من الحيوانات وقوى الطبيعة المختلفة، ويتجه بعبادته لله رب العالمين. وننقل هنا هذا النص من تقديم سورة الأنعام، يقرر هذا المعنى الذي ألمحنا إليه
The Muslims of Today are Like the Mushriks of Jaahiliyyah Then al-Qaradawi, quotes the passage in (7/87) and you can read it in the link to the article that has been provided above. Note: From this we see that the labelling of people as "Madkhalis" is an intellectual fraud through which Muslims who are sincerely and genuinely confused about these issues are averted and diverted away from the truth, and from its Scholars. The truth is that "Qutbi" and "Qutbiyyah" are not figments on the imagination and they are not labels invented by the "Madkhalis", rather they are terms used by prominent figureheads of al-Ikhwaan al-Muslimeen themselves and the Scholars of Ahl us-Sunnah like Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan and Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen recognize that there is an actual manhaj known as the "Qutbi Manhaj" which is a deviant manhaj and which has propounders, books and followers. We have divinely revealed texts of how the Kharijites (Takfiris) will continue to emerge and be cut off. Then we have testimonies from many figureheads of Ikhwaan, such as al-Qaradawi and Ali Juraisah (see here) and Fareed Abdul-Khaliq (see here) that Qutb gave birth to the destructive Takfiri movements through his works. Some of them explicitly affirm and use the terms "Qutbi" and "Qutbiyyah", like al-Qaradawi and Salaah as-Saawee, (see here and here) Then we have explicit undeniable proofs that the likes of Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen and Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan recognize the existence of "a Qutbi manhaj" which has adherents and callers (see here and here), that this ideology is one of Takfir and revolution, and that it should be warned against. And add to that what Ali al-Timimi used to explain in the days before he got poisoned (listen to him here). And then in light of all of this, when you have a clear judgement (through the witness of many of the Scholars combined) that these factions of Takfir are included amongst those referred to in the divinely revealed texts, such as these:
Then the misguidance of these people and all those who defend them and ally with them, could not be any more clearer.
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